Chris Briggs bio photo

Chris Briggs

Software engineer whose passionate about IoT, Dev-Ops, Security, UWP & Xamarin.

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Welcome to DDD2015

I presented ‘Jumping into Windows Internet of Things development by using the Universal Windows Platform’ at DDD Melbourne 2015. The presentation was a success, with the devices drawing a room full of curious devs. Ready to learn about the new Windows 10 IoT.

Chris Briggs presenting

For me, the best part of DDD Melbourne 2015 was being able to walk around and have discussions with passionate developers. As I found I learnt as much from these conversations, as the talks themselves.

Thank you to the team behind DD Melbourne 2015, for running an excellent event. I will definitely submit a talk next year, community willing I’ll get the pleasures of presenting at DDD Melbourne 2016.

The source code from this presentation is available on my github

The slide deck from this presentation is available on slideshare

Group shot of people attending

Unable to attend the presentation at DDD Melbourne 2015?

Watch the original Dev Super Powers recording!

Feel free to tweet me comments, feedback or questions to @ChrisBriggsy.